Discover China Through Art (DCTA), China Institute Gallery’s innovative art education program for groups, will introduce participants to our spring exhibition – Shan Shui Reboot: Re-envisioning Landscape for a Changing World. This exhibition highlights a new generation of artists in China and the United States who are reinterpreting traditional Chinese landscape painting in the context of today’s global social issues and climate crisis.
Each group visit consists of a three-part program featuring a presentation, a docent-led gallery tour, and a hands-on art workshop, all of which can be adapted for different age groups and interests.
Our workshop will focus on ink tree painting, learning from the renowned ancient painting book “Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden” which nurtured Chinese artists through generations. Trees are one of the main elements, together with rocks, mountains and rivers that formed the basic composition of the traditional Chinese landscape painting. Participants will learn and apply fundamental ink and brush techniques to compose their own landscape painting with trees.