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Dawn of the Yellow Earth: Ancient Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection

March 21 – June 18, 2000

Drawn from the Meiyintang Collection, one of the richest collections of early Chinese ceramics outside China, the sixty-three objects in this exhibition, dating from the Neolithic (ca. 6500-1700 BCE) through the Warring States (ca. 475–221 BCE) periods, illustrated early Chinese ceramic culture in different regions. Many of the works were found along the Yellow River and the lower Yangzi River region, long believed to be the cradles of Chinese civilization. These artworks demonstrated China’s remarkable technical achievements in ceramic production, such as the use of the fast-wheel, high-temperature firing, and creativity in decorative art. The exhibition vividly reflected the impressive civilization and dynamic art of ancient China.

Curated by Regina Krahl
Fresno Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fresno, California, Fresno, California, August 11- November 12, 2000

Exhibition Catalogue

Authors: Regina Krahl

This catalog shows how archaeological research during the last twenty years has revolutionized our understanding of the emergence of civilization in China. Recent discoveries have made a more lucid picture of the diverse cultural landscape possible in the prehistoric period. The selected works from the Meiyintang Collection, presented in the context of these finds, reflect not only that diversity, but also the beauty and fine craftsmanship of ancient Chinese ceramics from the late Neolithic period into the Bronze Age.

Exhibition catalog, 2000. Paperback, 143 pages: ill.
ISBN: 0-9654270-3-X

Media Coverage

Media Coverage

  • Asian Art
  • China Press 侨报
  • Oriental Art
  • The New York Times
  • World Journal 世界日报
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