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Chinese Snuff Bottles from the Pamela R. Lessing Friedman Collection

September 16 – December 13, 1998

During the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), the snuff bottle first appeared in China after Portuguese traders and missionaries introduced medicinal tobacco. Made to fit hands, the crafting of the snuff bottle required meticulous attention to function and miniaturized decoration to reflect the owner’s taste and status. Over the past three centuries, the Chinese snuff bottle has endured an evolution from personal object to art collector treasure, and is now often regarded as a unique objet d’art. This exhibition presented over 130 snuff bottles from the Pamela R. Lessing Friedman Collection, featuring bottles in a wide range of materials, including glass, porcelain, inkstone, jadeite, ivory, amber, gourd, coral, lacquer, copper, silver, and bronze, as well as excellent examples of inside-painting, carving, and glass overlay. The exhibition also explored the history of using snuff and snuff bottle production in China.

Organized by the Asian Art Coordinating Council, catalogue published by Pamela R. Lessing Friedman, Denver, Colorado; copyright 1990 by P. R. Lessing Friedman, Colorado.

Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado, October 6–December 2, 1990

Media Coverage

  • Asian Art: The newspaper for collectors, dealers, galleries and museums
  • Oriental Art
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