March 9, 2024

Harmony and Heights: Exploring Tang Dynasty Poetry through the Lens of Li Bai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei


March 9, 2024
8:00 - 9:30 PM EST

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through the poetic landscapes of the Tang Dynasty as the Renwen Society at China Institute presents a lecture by Dr. Zhu Qi. A renowned scholar with deep expertise in Chinese literature, Dr. Zhu brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to his exploration of the three most celebrated poets of the Tang Dynasty – Li Bai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei.

Dr. Zhu’s extensive research and scholarly pursuits have illuminated the nuances of Chinese poetry, providing invaluable insights into the social and cultural milieu of the prosperous Tang era. Join us on March 9th as he unravels the vibrant tapestry of a bygone era, where the flourishing of commoner scholars coincided with the nation’s affluence and the transformative shift from the hereditary system to the imperial examination system.

This enlightening lecture will delve into the pinnacle of Tang Dynasty poetry, where the works of Li Bai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei stand as towering achievements. Dr. Zhu Qi will guide us through the unique characteristics of each poet’s masterpieces – Li Bai’s unrestrained freedom, Wang Wei’s unruffled ease, and Du Fu’s versatile mastery across genres and themes.

In addition to the exploration of poetry, Dr. Zhu Qi will shed light on the profound influence of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty. The distinctive temperaments and beliefs of Li Bai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei, respectively aligned with these philosophical currents, greatly impacted their artistic expressions and perspectives on life.




中国诗歌从《诗经》一路走来,到了盛唐已经历了上千年的发展,恰恰也到了巅峰时期,与国度的 鼎盛、文化的开放完美契合。 正是到了盛唐诗人这里,特别是在李白、杜甫和王维的笔下,诗体大备,炉火纯青。 李白自由奔放,更擅长歌行,王维从容不迫,更擅长五律,两人的五绝和七绝也是各臻极致。 杜甫是集大成者,各种体裁和题材都得心应手,挥洒自如。 至于文字、语言和风格,这三大诗人更是天纵奇才,匠心独运,各有千秋。

后人将他们分别称作诗仙、诗圣和诗佛。 唐代道教大盛,儒学复兴,佛教繁荣,恰是这三大诗人,性情各异,信仰又各自有别,李白崇道,杜甫尊儒,王维信佛,由此也影响了他们的人生态度、作品内容和艺术风格。

China Institute’s cultural programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.


Zhu Qi 朱琦

A distinguished scholar and author, Dr. Zhu Qi earned his Ph.D. in Chinese literature from Peking University. With an illustrious academic background, he has shared his expertise at esteemed institutions such as UC Berkeley and Stanford University. Widely recognized for his captivating public speaking, Dr. Zhu has delivered numerous lectures along the West Coast, garnering a stellar reputation for his engaging and insightful presentations.


朱琦以历史人文讲座闻名海外,尤其是在以高科技著称的旧金山湾区, 朱琦的公众演讲往往有数百人参加,被誉为「矽谷的人文传奇」、「矽谷的另一道风景」。在各地应邀演讲累计千余场。他举办的数处定期文学讲座﹐更有许多推崇者从洛杉矶到旧金山上场接下场追踪听讲。朱琦造就了一批讲座迷﹐使爱好者上了文学瘾。朱琦善将文学﹑文化﹑历史和哲学融会贯通﹐以谈笑风生﹑妙语联珠的幽默风格﹐使听者在欢笑中受到启示。朱琦以其个人风采和文学素养引发了听众对华夏文化的迷恋热潮﹐把他的名字与中国文学连在了一起。

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