Nov 9 2024 Renwen
In Person

Commemoration of Peipei Cheng: A Tribute to a Martial Arts Legend


November 9, 2024
2:00 - 4:00 PM ET
China Institute in America
40 Rector St, 2nd Floor

On November 9, 2024, a special commemorative event will take place at China Institute in to honor the life and legacy of Peipei Cheng, a pioneering martial arts actress who made a lasting impact on Asian cinema. Initiated by Ms. Chiang Ching, a close friend of Peipei and organized by the Renwen Society at China Institute and the Chinese American Arts Council, with support from the Fo Guang Shan New York Temple, this event will feature heartfelt tributes from her family, close friends, and renowned personalities in the film industry.

About Peipei Cheng

Cheng Pei Pei was one of Asian cinema’s martial arts legends and Hong Kong’s first action heroine. She started her film career with the Shaw Brothers Studio in 1961 and went on to make over 20 films with them. During that era, most Wuxia a.k.a. martial arts films often depicted women as weak or in supporting roles, but Cheng challenged those stereotypes.

One of her most iconic films was the classic COME DRINK WITH ME (1966). Cheng was cast in the role despite her not having any formal martial arts training. However, her background in ballet and traditional Chinese dance translated beautifully onscreen, showcasing her organic and fluid fighting moves that embodies the power and grace of her character, Golden Swallow. These meticulously choreographed fight scenes soon set the gold standard for later Wuxia films and the action films we see in Asian cinema and Hollywood today.

At a time when it was most difficult, Cheng’s performances redefined the notion of femininity in Asian Cinema. She demonstrated that women could be smart, powerful and strong, without compromising their grace or intelligence.

Today, audience remember Cheng best for her role as Mrs Hua in the comedy FLIRTING SCHOLAR opposite Stephen Chow; and as the wicked Jade Fox in Ang Lee’s Oscar winning CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON, for which she won a Best Supporting Actress Award at the 2001 Hong Kong Film Awards.

Cheng also starred in Chinese films like YANG SISTERS, and several Chinese television series including MULAN for CCTV, and the epic series THE PATRIOT YUE FEI opposite Huang Xiaoming, which became the first Chinese series to be broadcast on HBO.

In her later years, Cheng had a second career in Western features and she worked in the U.S., UK, Canada, Singapore, Australia etc. Her standout performance in the English feature LILTING opposite Ben Whishaw, as a mother coming to terms with the death of her gay son, even garnered her a Best Actress Nomination at the 2014 British Independent Film Awards. She also starred in the Canadian feature MEDITATION PARK opposite Tzi Ma and Sandra Oh, which had its World Premiere at TIFF. In 2019, Peipei made her final screen appearance as The Matchmaker, in Disney’s MULAN.

Event Details

In celebration of Peipei’s life and legacy, this commemoration will feature personal reflections, a special presentation of her film highlights titled “Highlights of Peipei Cheng’s Films,” and a photo slideshow that showcases her indelible impact on the silver screen and in real life. The event will open with an address by Mr. George Geh, CEO of China Institute, followed by a Buddhist blessing from the monks of Fo Guang Shan led by Master You Lin, paying homage to Peipei’s spiritual journey. These tributes will lead into heartfelt remarks from her family, friends, and prominent personalities, honoring her life’s remarkable contributions.


她最具标志性的电影之一是经典的《大醉侠》(1966 年)。佩佩尽管没有接受过任何正式的武术训练,然而,她的芭蕾舞和中国传统舞蹈背景还是让她被选为《大醉侠》裏的金燕子一角。在胡金铨导演的精心设计下,无论是服装、武打场面、情节演绎都策划得天衣无缝,佩佩亦在萤幕上演绎出胡导演心目中的金燕子,没有另胡导演失望。这些精心设计的打斗场面很快就为后来的武侠电影以及我们今天在亚洲电影和好莱坞看到的动作片设定了黄金标准。


后来佩佩更演出了多部的中国电影及中国电视剧包括中央电视台的《花木兰》,以及黄晓明主演的古装历史剧《精忠岳飞》等,该剧成为第一部在 HBO 播出的中国电视剧。

晚年,佩佩在西方电影中更获得了第二浪她电影生涯高潮。在澳洲、美国、英国、加拿大、星加坡等地方有著很好的演出机会。 比较瞩目的是她主演了英国剧情片《LILTING》,与Ben Whishaw 演对手戏,饰演一位母亲儿子死亡后接受他的同性恋男友。 她的表演为她赢得了 2014 年英国独立电影奖最佳女主角提名。另外她与 Tzi Ma 和 Sandra Oh 主演了加拿大剧情片《冥想公园》,该片在 TIFF 进行了全球首映。 2019年,佩佩最后一次在银幕上亮相,是迪士尼的《花木兰》中饰演红娘。2024年郑佩佩荣获第六十一屆金马奖终身成就奖。




China Institute’s cultural programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.


Ang Lee
Ang Lee 李安

Taiwanese-born filmmaker Ang Lee, a master of emotionally resonant storytelling, will be among the speakers. Known for directing critically acclaimed films across genres, Lee made cinematic history with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2000. The film’s elegant fight choreography and poetic narrative revolutionized the perception of martial arts films in the West. Other works like Brokeback Mountain, Life of Pi, and Sense and Sensibility solidified his place as one of cinema’s most revered directors. Lee will reflect on his collaboration with Peipei in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and her immense contribution to the martial arts genre.



2005年12月9日,执导的剧情片《断背山》上映,获第62届威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖和第78届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖,成为首位获得该奖项的亚洲导演。2007年9月24日,执导剧情片《色·戒》上映,获第64届威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖。2009年2月,出任第66届威尼斯国际电影节评审团主席。2001年,小行星64291以李安的名字命名。 2012年11月21日,执导3D冒险电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》上映,获第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖。2018年8月,获美国导演工会终身荣誉奖。2019年10月,执导的科幻片《双子杀手》上映。2021年4月,获第74届英国电影学院奖终身成就奖。

Chiang Ching
Chiang Ching 江青

Chiang Ching, born in 1946 in Beijing, began her career after graduating from Beijing Dance Academy. From 1963 to 1970, she starred in 29 films, winning Taiwan’s Golden Horse Award for Best Actress in 1967. After moving to the United States in 1970, she founded “The Chiang Ching Dance Company” in New York and toured internationally until its disbandment in 1985. She has taught at institutions like UC Berkeley and the Dance Academy of Sweden. In the mid-1980s, Chiang Ching started dividing her time between Sweden and New York, where she continues to pursue a career as a choreographer, director, and author. Her works have appeared at venues like the Metropolitan Opera and Beijing’s National Centre for the Performing Arts.






1985年移居瑞典,此后以自由编导身分在世界各地进行创作和独舞演出,并经常担任歌剧和话剧的编导工作。她的艺术生涯也开始向跨别类、多媒体、多元化发展。其舞台创作演出包括:纽约古根汉博物馆、纽约大都会歌剧院、伦敦Old Vic剧场、瑞典皇家话剧院、维也纳人民歌剧院、瑞士Bern城市剧场、柏林世界文化中心、北京国家大剧院歌剧厅、罗马歌剧院等。




Alan Chow
Alan Chow 周龙章

Alan Chow is a celebrated figure in traditional Chinese theater and dance, having started his training in opera and folk dance at a young age. After moving to Hong Kong and joining the Southern Experimental Theater Company, Chow moved to New York in the 1970s, where he founded the Chinese American Arts Council. Throughout his career, Zhou dedicated himself to preserving traditional Chinese arts and introducing them to Western audiences through performances at venues like Lincoln Center and the Kennedy Center. Chow will share his perspective on Peipei’s lasting cultural impact and her role as an ambassador for Chinese arts in the global arena.

The commemoration promises to be a heartfelt tribute to a legendary figure whose work transcended borders, inspiring generations of filmmakers, actors, and martial arts enthusiasts alike. In Peipei Cheng's own words, “It’s not about being remembered for one role, but for the way you lived your life.” This event will celebrate not only her iconic filmography but her remarkable journey as a trailblazing artist.

周龙章先生,出生于台湾,7岁开始传统戏剧专业培训。还学习中国民族舞蹈,后移居香港,加入邵氏演员训练学校南国实验剧团演艺训练。七十年代初, 他在纽约成立了自己的戏剧舞蹈室,教授中国戏剧和舞蹈;并在纽约、洛杉矶、芝加哥、苏格兰、巴西的大学、博物馆、艺术节中独力担冈演出。同时也经常在为美国各大电视台做关于中国戏曲和民间舞蹈的讲座和示范演出。他还在哥伦比亚广播公司黄金时段的(间)“凤还巢”节目中担任主角。 1977年在白宫的全美圣诞和平庆典中,他导演并表演了中国舞蹈。



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