Calling from Chang-gan is a bildungsroman, depicting how an innocent little girl first flowers into a shy young wife, and then into a mature woman in love: it is love that ultimately transforms her into a fearless woman warrior hell bent on doing anything and going anywhere for the return of her man.
Through the creation of this woman with an increasing intensity of her emotion journey: happiness, fears, heartbreaks, and love, courage and resolve, Li Bai (701-762), arguably the greatest poet in Chinese literature, has crossed the barrier of sex and triumphed in assuming the role of the female protagonist as the first person in his writing to express her thoughts, feelings, yearning as she tells her story. What Li Bai has achieved in this aspect is quite unique, as few other male poets (if any) throughout the history of classical Chinese poetry have achieved. And hers is not an only voice of a woman of antiquity; it resonates as the voice of every woman in love of all time: the name of this woman is far from Frailty; it must be Courage: Li Bai’s answer to Bellini’s Norma, Li Bai’s counterpart to Sophocles’ Antigone.
Calling from Chang-gan, with its full drama and feminism in poetry set in its remarkable rhyming and tonal schemes, makes for a memorable reading for all aficionados of classical Chinese poetry. It will be a Ben Wang special lecture offered in Chinese. Join us for this illuminating lecture!
China Institute’s cultural programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
Mr. Ben Wang is Senior Lecturer at China Institute and Co-Chair of the Renwen Society.
汪班,江苏灌云人,台湾淡江文理学院外文系学士,美国西东大学(Seton Hall University)文学硕士。自1969年先后执教于哥伦比亚大学、纽约大学、佩斯大学、纽约市立大学、联合国、华美协进社等校,讲授中国古典文学、戏剧、美术、语文等课程,包括诗经、楚辞、汉乐府、唐宋诗词、元曲、明昆曲、小说《金瓶梅》与《红楼梦》、中国文人画、昆曲、京剧以及书法等古典文化专题。历年应邀于美国著名大学与文化艺术机构作有关中国文学、戏剧、绘画、书法等专题讲座数十次。