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The Elegant Chinese Lifestyle: The Art of Living a Fulfilling Life


June 24, 2023

8:00 - 9:30 PM EDT

The elegant Chinese lifestyle is a concept that encompasses a refined way of living that is rooted in traditional Chinese culture and values. It emphasizes simplicity, harmony, balance, and an appreciation for beauty and nature.

At its core, the elegant Chinese lifestyle is about cultivating a sense of inner peace and contentment through living in harmony with one’s surroundings, whether it’s through practicing calligraphy, enjoying tea ceremonies, practicing tai chi, or simply taking walks in nature.

It also involves a deep appreciation for art and culture, including poetry, painting, music, and literature, as well as a respect for one’s ancestors and a commitment to preserving and passing on cultural traditions to future generations.

At this lecture, Prof. Lu Xichen, a renowned author and practitioner of the topic, will conduct a fascinating exploration of this holistic approach to life and discuss the benefits of Confucius and Daoist classics, tea, poetry, martial arts, musical instruments, chess, calligraphy, painting, and traveling, all of which contribute to improving our overall well-being.

当今社会竞争激烈,新冠病毒更让人蒙受了巨大的身心伤害。如何缓解普遍存在的焦虑、抑郁、孤独、空虚等负面心理,健康快乐地生活?这成为民众十分关切的课题。中华先贤积累了丰富的应对灾难、困境和修身养性的养生智慧,以经、诗、茶、拳、唱、琴、棋、书、画、游为主要内容的中式雅生活正是这些养生智慧的生动体现,它们不仅滋养着孔子、孟子 、庄子 、老子和齐白石、 邓铁涛、饶宗颐、杨绛等古今文化大师成为当时的寿星,而且足以启迪今人善养生命,身心两全,华美人文学会特邀吕锡琛教授于美东时间6月24晚8时至9时半(北京时间6月25日早8时至9时半做讲“中式雅生活与文化康养”专题讲座,讨论上述问题。


Lu Xichen 吕锡琛

The speaker Lu Xichen is a professor and former chair of the Department of Philosophy at the Central South University of China. She is a passionate advocate for the elegant Chinese-style life and its potential to improve people’s lives. A leading expert on Daoism and health preservation. Prof. Lu has published eight monographs and over 200 papers on these topics.


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