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Project Culture and Language Learning: An Innovative Approach for K-12 Chinese Classrooms

November 16, 2024

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

How can Chinese language teachers innovate to integrate cultural content into their lessons, promoting both language learning and deeper cultural understanding? This seminar is designed to introduce Project Culture and Language Learning (Project CLL) and explore innovative pedagogy that helps K-12 teachers develop lessons integrating language and culture for their own Chinese language classrooms. The seminar will discuss the importance and challenges of CLL for K-12 learners. Participants will see how innovative CLL instruction can improve both language learning and cultural understanding through presented units and activities. This enhanced understanding will inspire participants to experiment with new CLL approaches in their classrooms.

An integral part of China Institute’s Teacher Certificate Program: Understand Chinese Culture and Practice, this seminar welcomes all interested teachers to attend. Following the seminar, participants will have the opportunity to join China Institute CLL workshop in January 2025, individual coaching sessions, and group sharing to further their experiment in CLL design and implementation.

2 hours of CTLE credits are offered for New York State teachers attending this program.
In partnership with New England Chinese Language Teachers Association (NECLTA) and Chinese Program at Tufts University, PDP certificate is available for NECLTA members.

For questions, please contact Yongqiang Lin at [email protected]

This program is made possible through the support of the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, the ECNU Center, and generous supporters of China Institute in America.

Wei–ling Wu 吴威玲

Dr. Wei–ling Wu (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania), teacher of Chinese, consultant, and trainer of Chinese language teachers. A master Chinese teacher, Dr. Wu taught in K–12 schools in the United States for twenty-five years. Over her long career as a teacher trainer, Dr. Wu has taught courses for teachers of Chinese at New York University, East China Normal University in Shanghai, and other colleges as an adjunct instructor. She has trained hundreds of Chinese language teachers through the Asia Society and the China Institute in the past decade. Dr. Wu has also served on various projects for Chinese language instruction and curriculum development, including those conducted by STARTALK and Chinese Language Schools. Dr. Wu is the designer, coach, and script writer of the Asia Society’s TEQ video lesson series for teaching Chinese, which is accessible across the country and around the world. Her endeavor as chief author since 1994 has resulted in a range of Chinese textbooks for K–12 students.

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