The use of fire is an important human skill, fundamental to life in the present and in the past. In ancient societies, people relied on the help of a variety of divine figures for fiery activities such as cooking, heating homes, and crafting objects like metals and pottery. This workshop will explore the context and development of ancient Greek beliefs about fire, including the importance of the figures of Prometheus, Hephaistos, and Athena.
“Comparison” is one of the five goal areas for world language learners, often called the 5 “Cs” (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities). In conjunction of China Institute’s Teacher Certificate program for K-16 Chinese language teachers to deepen essential cultural understanding, this workshop presents an opportunity to deepen one’s understanding of the important roots of the western culture, relatable to many students of Chinese language in the U.S. and beyond.
For related topic on the Fire God in Chinese mythology, we recommend viewing Prof. Tian, Zhaoyuan’s previous presentation An Examination of Chinese Mythology (I) – The Fire God
This workshop is presented in partnership with Expanding the Ancient World, a series of free professional development workshops for K-12 educators offered by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU. See more at
One hour of CTLE credit is offered for New York State teachers attending this program.
This series is made possible through the support of the Chinese International Education Foundation, and generous supporters of China Institute.
The ETAW logo features a stag plaque made of gold with inlays of turquoise and lapis lazuli. It is from Eleke Sazy, Kazakhstan, Group II, Kurgan 4 and dates to the 8th-6th century BC.
Image © The Fitzwilliam Museum/East Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Local History