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Explore Shadow Puppetry in Chinese Language Teaching

September 21, 2024

9:30 - 11:30 AM EDT

Chinese Shadow Puppetry is a traditional form of Chinese folk theatre. In 2011, it was recognized by UNESCO as part of the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This unique art form has a long-standing history in China and has spread widely across the globe. Chinese shadow puppetry resources, including puppet artifacts, photographs, audio recordings, and videos, are collected in major libraries and museums worldwide, including the United States.

Led by Prof. Mingjie Li, this lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of Chinese shadow puppetry and explore available resources and collections in the United States. Additionally, the discussion will focus on the strategies to enrich and enhance Chinese language teaching.

2 hours of CTLE credits are offered for New York State teachers attending this program.

This two-hour online seminar will be in Chinese.

This program is made possible through the support of the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, the ECNU Center, and generous supporters of China Institute in America.

Mingjie Li 李明洁

Mingjie Li 李明洁, professor at Institute of Folklore of East China Normal University, doctoral supervisor of Cultural Anthropology and Folklore, Visiting Scholar of Folklore at Indiana University. In recent years, Prof.Li has devoted herself to the study of Sinology Collections and Folklore Materials, with particular emphasis on the study of visual memory. Her latest scholarly book “Sacred Understanding: The Research on Chinese Paper Gods Collection at the C.V. Starr East Asian Library of Columbia University” will be published by the Commercial Press (Beijing) in 2024.

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