COSMISM: Performance Series
China Institute Next Gen x Serica (CINGS)
COSMISM is a monthly performance event series of live music organized by China Institute Next Gen x Serica (CINGS). Curated by Chamberlain Zhang, this event creates a transformative sonic experience featuring emerging artists and performers living and visiting New York rooted in Asian heritage. COSMISM aims to be an ongoing social experiment, developing a communal intention of listening and transforming, giving shape to our community in which everyone contributes in their own way.
The performance will be introduced by curators or intellectuals who specialize in theories or practices of performance and contemporary art, followed by an interview with the artist. A reception with light food and drinks will follow each event.
The first performance in this series, featuring creative duo Alex Zhang Hungtai and Chamberlain Zhang, is taking place on Thursday, October 10th, 2024 at China Institute in America.