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A Conversation with Chao Daijian: The Endearing Tale of Friendship between Two Artistic Luminaries Through Homeland Nostalgia

山水合璧、词曲同源— 余光中先生和晁岱健先生因《乡愁》结缘的故事

February 24, 2024

8:00 - 9:30 PM EST

Streaming live from Nanjing, this event delves into the captivating narrative of the profound friendship between the renowned literary figure Yu Guangzhong (余光中) and accomplished composer Chao Daijian (晁岱健), forged through their collaborative masterpiece, “Homeland Nostalgia (乡愁).” Exploring the synthesis of poetry and music, the event unravels the artistic journey undertaken by these two maestros in creating a symphony of emotions within the verses of “Homeland Nostalgia.” Beginning with an exploration of Yu Guangzhong’s literary legacy and life journey, the interview navigates through the creative process behind “Homeland Nostalgia” and how Chao Daijian breathed musical life into this timeless poem. Through Chao Daijian’s firsthand accounts, participants will gain insights into the genuine dialogue between these two artists, experiencing the touching and harmonious convergence of literature and music in the creation of this iconic piece. Join us for an exploration of the poetic and melodic collaboration that defines the enchanting bond between Yu Guangzhong and Chao Daijian.


余光中1947年毕业于南京青年会中学,入金陵大学外文系,1949年转厦门大学外文系,1952年毕业于台湾大学外文系。1959年获美国爱荷华大学(The University of Iowa)艺术硕士。先后任教台湾东吴大学、台湾师范大学、台湾大学、台湾政治大学。其间两度应美国国务院邀请,赴美国多家大学任客座教授。1972年任台湾政治大学西语系教授兼主任。1974年至1985年任香港中文大学中文系教授,并兼任香港中文大学联合书院中文系主任二年。1985年,任台湾中山大学教授及讲座教授,其中有六年时间兼任文学院院长及外文研究所所长。




China Institute’s cultural programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Chao Daijian 晁岱健

Chao Daijian is a distinguished Chinese composer and cultural luminary. Graduating from the Department of Music at Nanjing Art Institute in 1980, he furthered his studies at Southeast University and Hong Kong Chinese University. Since 1984, Chao has been actively engaged in cultural and artistic endeavors, contributing significantly to the fields of composition, research, and management. Notably, he served as the first director of Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Culture and Arts and held key positions in various cultural organizations in Jiangsu.

Chao’s exceptional musical talents came to the forefront through his collaboration with the renowned literary figure Yu Guangzhong. His most acclaimed work includes setting Yu Guangzhong’s poem “Homeland Nostalgia” to music. This musical composition has garnered widespread acclaim, resonating with audiences across China and internationally.

As a recognized figure in the cultural landscape, Chao Daijian has received numerous accolades, including being named one of the “China Cultural Figures” for 2015. His dedication to the arts, coupled with his innovative compositions, continues to leave an indelible mark on the cultural heritage of China.





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