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I-Hsing Ware

October 28, 1977–January 29, 1978

The sixty objects in this exhibition, dating from the late sixteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century, came from Yixing (I-Hsing), the famous pottery center in China’s Jiangsu Province. Yixing ware, especially its teaware, is highly prized by the Chinese for its natural clay colors, simplicity of design, and elegance of execution. This exhibition featured top quality pieces that are particularly associated with scholars and artists. Treasured Yixing wares are produced in small quantities today and are rarely found outside China. Paintings and calligraphies by famous artists with a connection to Yixing wares were also in the exhibition, including works by Shen Zhou (1427–1509), Dong Qichang (1555–1636), Chen Jiru (1558–1639), Huang Shen (1687–1768), Zheng Xie (1693–1765), Qian Du (1763–1844), and Chen Hongshou (1768–1822). These artists influenced Yixing potters, and in some cases even collaborated with them to produce Yixing ware. Some artists made ceramics as a hobby.

Nelson-Atkins Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, February 19–May 21, 1978
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, The Avery Brundage Collection, San Francisco, California, June 16–September 21, 1978

Media Coverage

  • Rita Reif, “Antiques: A Festival Of Oriental Art,” The New York Times, November 13, 1977.
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