March 23 Teacher Certificate (1)

What is “The Way of Tian”? : through the Lens of “Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease” by Zhuang Zi


March 23, 2024
9:30 - 11:30 AM EDT

“The Way of Tian” (天道) stands as one of the most core concepts embodying the essence of Chinese culture. In this seminar, we will delve into its logic and nature through the lens of Zhuang Zi’s Daoist classic “Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease” (逍遥游), supplemented by literature and visual materials. The seminar will attempt to present an interpretation of the “The Way of Tian”, illustrating its significance in shaping various aspects of Chinese culture, including architecture, painting, and imagery. Led by Prof. Linbo Cai from East China Normal University, this seminar aims to equip teachers with a deeper understanding of this core tenet of Chinese philosophy and culture, enriching their pedagogical approach.

Teacher participants will actively engage in a live discussion following the lecture, led by Prof. Mingquan Wang, Executive Director, New England Chinese Language Teachers Association. This interactive session aims to bridge teaching practices and thoughts, fostering a connection with the cultural theme explored during the seminar.

For questions, please contact Yongqiang Lin at

New York State teachers attending this program are eligible to receive 2 hours of CTLE credits. China Institute is an approved Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) sponsor recognized by the New York State Education Department.

In partnership with New England Chinese Language Teachers Association (NECLTA) and Chinese Program at Tufts University, PDP certificate is available for NECLTA members.

This two-hour online seminar will be in Chinese.

This series is made possible through the support of the Center for Language Education, the ECNU Center, and generous supporters of China Institute.


Linbo Cai 蔡林波

Linbo Cai, Professor in the Department of Philosophy at East China Normal University, Ph.D. supervisor, and Director of the Research Office of Religious Studies. Cai is the author of publications including “Signs from the Heavens: A Comprehensive Interpretation Study of Daoist Mountains Diagrams”, “The Tragedy of Divine Medicine: Cultural Interpretation of the Transformation of Daoist Alchemy”, “Aiding Nature's Beings: Daoist Ecological Views and Modern Civilization”, and “History of Daoist Science and Technology in China”.

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