June 22 Renwen

Bridging Cultures: The Enduring Legacy of John Calvin Ferguson in Modern China

我有我的机遇: 福开森在华工作生活一生的五个闪光点

June 22, 2024
8:00 - 9:30 PM ET

Dr. John Calvin Ferguson (1866-1945), a Canadian-American scholar and Methodist missionary, was a prominent figure in modern Chinese history. An alumnus of Boston University, where he earned both his bachelor’s and doctorate degrees, Ferguson arrived in China in 1887 and spent over fifty years working and living there, significantly influencing various aspects of Chinese society. He served as the first president of Huiwen Academy (a predecessor of Nanking University) and the first dean of Nanyang Public School (a predecessor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University). He returned to the United States in 1943 and passed away in 1945 in New York.

Ferguson’s life was filled with remarkable achievements and contributions across multiple domains. He was active during both the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, playing roles as a missionary educator, government advisor, social activist, art collector, and scholar of Chinese art and culture. His impact was felt in the fields of education, diplomacy, social welfare, museum development, and Sino-American cultural exchange.

At this lecture, Prof. Guo Feng, author of an 800-page book on Ferguson, will highlight five key areas of Ferguson’s accomplishments: educator, government advisor, social activist, art collector, and scholar of Chinese art and culture. He will discuss Ferguson’s major achievements during his fifty-six years in China and explore the reasons behind his successful career.

福开森(Dr. John Calvin Ferguson,1866-1945),加拿大裔美国人,获波士顿大学学士和博士学位,美以美会(卫理公会)传教士,南京汇文书院(金陵大学的前身之一)首任校长,南洋公学(上海交通大学的前身)首任监院。1887年来华,1943年返美,1945在纽约州的克利夫顿疗养院去世,是中国近代史上为数不多的在华工作生活超过五十年且事业有成、颇有影响的外国人之一。福开森一生充满传奇色彩。他经历晚清和民国两个时代,以传教士教育家、政府顾问、社会活动家、文物收藏家和中国艺术文化学者的身份,在清末新政、北洋政府外交、中国近代高等教育、社会公益事业、博物馆事业、中美艺术文化交流以及中国艺术文化研究等领域扮演角色,发挥作用,做出贡献。


China Institute’s cultural programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.


Guo Feng 郭锋

Prof. Guo Feng graduated from the History Department of Lanzhou University in 1982 with a bachelor's degree in history. Following his graduation, he taught at his alma mater as a lecturer and assistant professor. In 1991, he pursued further studies at the History Department of Xiamen University, earning his Ph.D. in history in 1994. He then joined the National Academy of Education Administration, where he served as a lecturer, associate professor, and professor. His research focuses on Tang Dynasty history and the history of Chinese higher education. Prof. Guo's publications include "Case Studies of Tang Dynasty Aristocrats: Centered on the Wu, Qinghe, Fanyang, and Dunhuang Zhang Clans," "A Biography of Du You," "Studies on Tang History and Dunhuang Manuscripts," and "John Calvin Ferguson's Fifty-Six Years in China: A Perspective on His Involvement in Modern Chinese Higher Education." He has also co-authored and translated works on education sociology and the life and impact of Max Weber.


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