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Yung Wing: The First Modern Intellectual of China


June 8, 2024

8:00 - 9:30 PM EDT

Yung Wing (1828–1912) was a transformative figure in China’s modernization. Often hailed as the first Chinese graduate of an American university, his life and work transcended this singular achievement.

While Yung Wing is rightfully recognized as the “Father of Chinese Students Studying Abroad,” his impact extended far beyond education. China’s modern history was a period of intense social and political upheaval. While other prominent figures dominated specific eras, Yung Wing’s influence spanned the entire period. His contributions were multifaceted, shaping not just educational reform but also China’s broader development.

To mark the 170th anniversary of Yung Wing’s graduation from Yale University, the Renwen Society presents a special lecture by Prof. Lei Yi, a leading Yung Wing scholar. Prof. Lei will delve into Yung Wing’s historical context, the qualities that made him a pioneer and driving force for modernization, his evolving views on reform within the Qing Dynasty, and his intellectual characteristics – rationality, independence, and a forward-looking vision.




China Institute’s cultural programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Lei Yi 雷颐

Professor Lei Yi is a distinguished scholar of modern Chinese political and intellectual history. He earned his bachelor’s degree in history in 1982 and his master’s degree in modern Chinese history in 1985, both from Jilin University. Currently a researcher at the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Lei has authored numerous publications exploring various aspects of modern Chinese history, including the intellectual landscape and political movements of the era.

雷颐, 1978年考入吉林大学历史系,1982年毕业,获学士学位;同年考入吉林大学研究生院历史系中国近代史专业,1985 年毕业,获硕士学位。1985年到中国社会科学院近代史研究所工作,曾任《近代史研究》副主编,现为研究员。研究方向为中国近代政治史、思想史、知识分子史。著有《时空游走:历史与现实的对话》《雷颐自选集》《被延误的现代化》《萨特》《历史的进退》《历史的裂缝》《李鸿章与晚清四十年》《精神的年轮》《走向革命》《孤寂百年:中国现代知识分子十二论》《中国的现实与超现实》《中国切片:1900》《帝国的覆没》《不让岁月空流逝》等,译有《中国现代思潮中的唯科学主义》《在传统与现代性之间》《胡适与中国现代知识分子的选择》等。


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