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Emily Hahn: The Extraordinary Life and Legacy of a Cross-Cultural Adventurer


January 4, 2025

8:00 - 9:30 PM ET

Emily Hahn (1905–1997), known as Xiang Meili in Chinese, was a lifelong columnist for The New Yorker and one of the most prolific and adventurous writers of the 20th century. Her fascinating life journey spanned three continents—Africa, Asia, and Europe—where she fearlessly delved into diverse cultures and penned over 50 books, including more than ten focused on China. Works such as Mr. Pan, The Soong Sisters, and China to Me became bestsellers in the U.S. during the 1930s and 1940s, garnering widespread acclaim. Despite her achievements, Hahn has become an overlooked literary gem in contemporary America. In recent years, her works have been reintroduced to Chinese audiences, though much remains to be discovered about her extraordinary life and writings.

To shed light on the life and legacy of this remarkable woman, the Renwen Society at China Institute invites Professor Yao Junwei, the editor of the Chinese editions of Hahn’s Adventure Trilogy (Congo Solo, China to Me, and England to Me), to deliver a lecture on January 4, 2025. The talk will explore five key aspects of Emily Hahn’s life and literary contributions:

  1. Her anthropological fieldwork-like explorations in Africa and beyond, reflecting her profound interest in diverse cultures.
  2. Her eight-plus years living and working in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Chongqing, where she engaged in impactful cross-cultural exchanges.
  3. Her collaboration with Chinese intellectual Shao Xunmei to support China’s resistance against Japanese aggression through publishing ventures such as Free Speech and Candid Comment.
  4. Her insights into the challenges women faced and her reflections on overcoming them.
  5. The distinctive features of her writing style.

Join us for an engaging evening that celebrates the life and work of Emily Hahn, a true adventurer and literary icon.

项美丽(原名为埃米莉·哈恩,Emily Hahn, 1905-1997)是美国《纽约客》杂志终身专栏作家。她一生阅历丰富,曾闯荡非亚欧三大洲,并成为多产作家,写下50多本书,包括十余部中国题材作品,其中的《潘先生》《宋氏三姐妹》《我的中国》等作品在上世纪三四十年代甫一出版,即成为轰动美国的畅销书。但项美丽在当下的美国是一个几乎被遗忘的文学宝藏,中国近些年出版了她的一些作品,却尚不足以反映她的创作的基本面貌。

为更全面、更深入地了解一代奇女子项美丽其人其作,华美人文学会特邀项美丽的“冒险三部曲”(由《刚果独行记》《我的中国》《我的英国》构成)的特约主编姚君伟教授于美东时间2025年1月4日晚8时至9时半(北京时间1月5日早8时至9时半)做《话说奇人项美丽》的专题讲座。讲座拟通过介绍项美丽异常丰富的跨国和跨文化人生阅历,从五个方面讲述项美丽的人生与写作故事和特色,即:1)项美丽作为一位对异质文化及其现象极感兴趣的、爱冒险的传奇女子在非洲等地所做的近似于人类学意义上的田野考察及意义;2)项美丽在中国上海、香港和重庆等地生活和工作八年多的时间里所从事的卓有成效的跨文化交流活动;3)项美丽和邵洵美所做的全力支持中国抗日战争的工作,如编辑出版《自由谭》和Candid Comment;4)项美丽对女性所处的困境及其突围的思考与呈现;5)项美丽的写作特色。

China Institute’s cultural programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Yao Junwei 姚君伟

Professor Yao Junwei is a distinguished scholar and member of the China Writers Association. He holds a Ph.D. from Shanghai International Studies University and is currently a professor at Nanjing Normal University.

Professor Yao previously held a senior visiting scholar position at the University of Pennsylvania. He serves as Vice Chair of the Sino-American Comparative Culture Research Association. His research expertise lies in American and comparative literature. He has authored numerous books and articles, including Cultural Relativism: Pearl S. Buck and Her Representation of Chinese and American Cultures. He has also edited multiple collections on Pearl S. Buck and translated works such as The Benefactor and Sontag: Her Life and Work. Currently, he is the editor of the Chinese editions of Emily Hahn’s Adventure Trilogy.


主要从事英美文学和比较文学研究,著有《文化相对主义:赛珍珠的中西文化观》等,编有“中国赛珍珠研究丛书”、Sguardi interculturali. Pearl S. Buck e la CinaA Collection of Pearl S. Buck Studies in China: Pearl S. Buck and the Chinese Novel等,在Amerasia、《当代外国文学》、《中国比较文学》、《外国文学研究》等刊发表论文80余篇,在《中华读书报》、《文汇报》等报发表文章50余篇,并译有《恩主》、《桑塔格传》等苏珊·桑塔格著作和传记10种。目前担任项美丽“冒险三部曲”中文版特约主编。

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