“Culture” constitutes a fundamental component among the 5Cs outlined in the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, however exploring the integration of culture into language instruction within K-12 classrooms raises numerous inquiries.
To respond to the need, China Institute, in partnership with ECNU, launched The Teacher Certificate Program: Understanding Chinese Culture and Practice, which consists of two components: 1) monthly cultural seminars to help teachers gain a deeper understanding of foundational elements of Chinese culture, and 2) pedagogically workshops integrating cultural activities into K-12 classroom teaching. In past months for the first phase, cultural seminars covered topics on mythology, brush painting and music, and a cohort of enthusiastic Chinese language teachers joined the pedagogical workshop to develop cultural projects.
On November 18th, we invite you to participate in the inaugural session of the China Institute Learn, Share, and Lead Workshop series, designed to build a community of devoted K-12 teachers who are passionate about and actively engaged in the exploration of innovative approaches to effectively achieve learning goals encompassing both culture and language.
Five Chinese language teachers from our first cohort will showcase their cultural projects. These projects cover a range of captivating topics, from mythology to music, each carefully planned under expert guidance and thoughtfully implemented in their respective classrooms in New York, New Jersey, California, and Massachusetts. Through the sharing of their experiments, valuable reflections, and personal learning journeys, we extend a warm invitation to all K-12 teachers of Chinese language and culture to join us in this dynamic program for an engaging and enriching discussion.
Come and join the conversations with our speakers to become an active part of this community.
New York State teachers attending this program are eligible to receive 1.5 hours of CTLE credits. China Institute is an approved Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) sponsor recognized by the New York State Education Department.
In partnership with New England Chinese Language Teachers Association (NECLTA) and Chinese Program at Tufts University, PDP certificate is available for NECLTA members.
This series is made possible through the support of the Center for Language Education, the ECNU Center, and generous supporters of China Institute.