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Bounding Rivers, Silent Waves—the Legend of General Ken Wang


January 18, 2025

4:00 - 5:30 PM ET

The Republican era of China was a period of remarkable cultural and political dynamism, producing many luminaries and historical figures. However, the true images of many of these individuals have been obscured. Ken Wang (Wang Geng) is one such figure. As a distinguished graduate of West Point and a recipient of the Boxer Indemnity Scholarship, his reputation has long been overshadowed by rumors and inaccurate reporting. Beyond having a military career, he was a vital witness to key moments in Republican China’s history. This lecture aims to uncover the historical truth and invite the audience to re-examine this overlooked historical figure and his contributions.

This lecture is based on Dr. Donni Wang’s new book Bounding Rivers, Silent Waves—the Memoir of Ken Wang, which combines historical rigor with family memories to present a comprehensive portrait of her grandfather. The book illustrates Ken’s professional achievements, dedication to family, and unwavering commitment during national crises. The lecture will include the following sections:

  • A brief overview of Ken Wang’s life and historical contributions: from his studies abroad to his pivotal roles in the Chinese Nationalist government.
  • The social and cultural context of the Republican era: exploring Ken Wang’s connections with prominent figures like Lu Xiaoman and Xu Zhimo.
  • The intersection of history and personal legacy: how Dr. Wang, as Ken Wang’s granddaughter, used her historical training and family records to reconstruct his authentic image.


王赓,1895年甲午战争之际出生于江南世家,16岁考取庚款留学生,来美后与胡适、竺可桢、赵元任同学并成为好友。1915年获普林斯顿大学文学学士学位,后来考入西点军校,成为中国历史上仅有的八名西点毕业生之一。1919年1月,随团出席巴黎和会,1923年任交通部护路军副司令,同年晋升陆军少将。一颗军政新星正冉冉升起。然而,踌躇满志的他,却意外地卷入一场著名的恋爱风波之中。他是出局者,却有君子之风。他的妻子,爱上了他的朋友。她是大名鼎鼎的陆小曼,他是风流文人徐志摩。 淞沪会战打响后,他因一场无妄之灾被污为叛徒,被羁两年,身染重疾,仕途亦急转而下。1942年,国内战况焦灼之际,47岁的他重获重用,随团赴美,却在途中客死埃及。 命运曾慷慨地给予他恩赐,却在一个个重要的人生节点,跟他开了一次又一次无情的玩笑。 历史的滚滚洪流裹挟着他的一生,但他也在时间的长河里留下了属于自己的吉光片羽。



  • 王赓先生的生平简述及历史贡献:从庚款留学到国民政府的重要角色。
  • 民国时期的社会文化与王赓的故事:从西点军校到与陆小曼、徐志摩的交集。
  • 历史与亲情的交织:作为孙女,王冬妮博士如何用历史学的严谨方法和家族记忆还原真实的王赓。

China Institute’s cultural programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Donni Wang 王冬妮

Dr. Donni Wang, a graduate of Stanford’s Department of Classics, is a historian and author. As the granddaughter of Ken Wang, she utilized her academic expertise and access to a wide selection of sources to write this biography Bounding Rivers, Silent Waves. Her work not only fills gaps in the study of Republican China but also offers modern readers a fresh perspective on this transformative era.


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