Join us on May 18th at Columbia University, as the Renwen Society at China Institute, the Center on Chinese Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and the US-China Education Trust (based in Washington, D.C.), jointly present an insightful afternoon with Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch. The first Asian American to hold ambassadorial rank in U.S. history, Ambassador Bloch brings a wealth of experience in international affairs and government service spanning over six decades.
Beginning her illustrious career as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Sabah, Malaysia, in 1964, Ambassador Bloch’s journey has taken her from the corridors of government to the boardrooms of corporate America, and eventually to the non-profit sphere with a focus on China. Her remarkable trajectory includes serving as U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Nepal (1989-1993) and holding key positions at the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Information Agency, the US-Japan Foundation, and the Bank of America, before becoming founding president of the US-China Education Trust.
At our event, Ambassador Bloch will delve into the extraordinary life and achievements of her father, F. Y. Chang (1890-1983). After graduating from Harvard College in 1914, Chang made history as the first Boxer Indemnity Scholar to graduate from Harvard Law School in 1917, setting the stage for a career marked by innovation and leadership. From his pioneering role as China’s first Director General of the National Customs Administration to his advocacy for education and passion for art, F. Y. Chang’s legacy is one of enduring significance. Ambassador Bloch and her husband established the F.Y. Chang Foundation in 1988 to honor her father’s memory.
In addition to exploring her father’s journey, Ambassador Bloch will offer insights into the current state of US-China educational exchanges. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear Ambassador Bloch’s captivating narrative on F. Y. Chang’s remarkable journey and gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of US-China educational exchange. Join us for an afternoon of reflection, enlightenment, and celebration of a visionary leader whose legacy continues to inspire generations.
张福运1890 年出生于山东福山(今烟台)。1910年考取清华庚款留美预备班。1911年入美国哈佛大学,成为历史上首位就读于哈佛大学法学院的中国人。1914年,张福运以优异的成绩获得文学学士学位,并于三年后毕业于哈佛法学院。
为缅怀张福运先生和追溯他在法学、政治、外交、教育、艺术诸方面的卓越成就,纽约华美人文学会、哥伦比亚大学中国教育研究中心和设在华盛顿的美中教育基金特邀张福运先生的女儿张之香(Julia Chang Bloch) 大使于5月18日下午3时至4时半在哥大做专题讲座,介绍她父亲的非凡一生并讨论中美教育交流的现状。
张之香 1989年出任美国驻尼泊尔王国大使,成为美国历史上首位出任该级别职务的亚裔美国人。出任大使前,张之香任美国国际开发署(USAIC)“粮食促进和平与自愿援助”助理署长,并担任主管亚洲和近东事务的助理署长,这些职位都由总统任命并通过参议院的认可。她还担任过参议院特别委员会的首席少数派法律顾问、参议院专业工作人员、美国新闻局非洲事务办公室副主任、哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院政治研究所研究员,以及哈佛国际事务中心美日关系项目副研究员。
在政府部门工作25年后,张大使于1993年转至金融界,任美国银行集团执行副总裁。1996年至1998年,张大使投身慈善事业,担任资产达1亿美元的美国-日本基金会总裁兼首席执行官。1998年开始, 张大使将关注重点转向中国。她先担任北京大学国际关系研究所客座教授和美国研究中心的执行副主席,后加入上海复旦大学以及美国马里兰大学全球中国事务研究所。张之香大使曾获无数奖项,出版物包括: Women and Diplomacy, Bonds Across Borders, Nepal: End of Shangri-la, America’s Love-Hate Relationship with China, Commercial Diplomacy, Living with China: US-China Relations in the 21st Century, Japanese Foreign Aid and the Politics of Burden Sharing。
1988年张之香大使夫妇创立张福运基金会,以纪念父亲并支持中美教育交流,此后又创立中美教育基金(US-China Education Trust)并担任主席, 致力于为下一代领袖提供教育与交流机会以促进中美关系。
China Institute’s cultural programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.