Heritage Chinese Advanced II
This course is designed for advanced heritage Chinese students who possess speaking skills but need to improve reading and writing skills in Chinese. An innovative textbook has been selected: The Routledge Advanced Chinese Multimedia Course: Crossing Cultural Boundaries. This book offers advanced readers the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge of Chinese through a wide range of activities designed to build up both excellent language skills and cultural enrichment. This book is designed to boost learners’ level of useful vocabulary and usage, improve in-depth reading abilities, and provide interesting and culturally important topics for discussion. Writing is also an important part of the training in this class.
Required textbook: The Routledge Advanced Chinese Multimedia Course: Crossing Cultural Boundaries, 2nd edition, published by Routledge: https://www.amazon.com/Routledge-Advanced-Chinese-Multimedia-Course/dp/041584133X
- $485 member / $525 non-member
- Plus a $30 non-refundable registration fee
10 sessions (20 hours)