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Advanced Reading III

This course is designed for those who have completed the advanced course Advanced Reading II at CI or for anyone who has achieved an overall advanced level of proficiency in the Chinese language and seeks to continue their studies by reading more advanced texts. The class will be highly interactive with students participating in discussions on a wide range of thought-provoking topics on contemporary China. A reader series, Reading into a New China, published by Cheng & Tsui (2017) will be used to replace a traditional language textbook. Students will read articles reflecting various social issues in contemporary China, such as entrepreneurship and viewpoints of marriage and love. Advanced skills in reading comprehension will be developed, along with professional speaking skills, such as discussion and oral presentation.

The textbook required for this course is Reading into a New China, 2nd Edition Vol. 1 (Lessons 7-10), published by Cheng & Tsui:


  • $485 member / $525 non-member
  • Plus a $30 non-refundable registration fee

10 sessions (20 hours)

Days of Week
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Wednesday6:30 – 8:30 PM
January 8 – March 19(No class on January 29)
Instructor: Ping Wang
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